Policy for the Return of Title IV Funds


联邦政府规定,在入学期限内退学或未能完成所有课程的学生,只能保留他们在退学前“挣到”的经济援助. Any unearned aid must be returned even if it has already been disbursed.

联邦财政援助基金授予学生的前提是该学生将在获得援助的整个期间上学. When a student withdraws from all courses for any reason, 学生可能不再有资格获得他们最初计划获得的全额第四章资金. If a student has received Title IV financial aid, 该计划的退款必须根据联邦第四章资金返还政策进行计算. 第四章退款(第四章计算)是基于学期参加的天数, 除以每学期的总天数(减去任何至少五天的计划休息时间). 根据联邦法规,资金将存入财政援助计划账户.

Priority order for the return of federal funds is:

  • 联邦无补贴直接贷款
  • 联邦补贴直接贷款
  • 联邦直接附加贷款
  • 联邦佩尔助学金
  • Federal Supplemental educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG)
  • 任何其他联邦拨款计划


After the 60% point in the payment period or period of enrollment, 学生已经获得了该学生在此期间计划获得的第四章资金的100%. 对于在60%的时间点之后取款的学生来说,没有未赚的资金.

To calculate the 60% of enrollment period, HSU计算学生从第一天上课到最后一天入学的天数,并将其与学期计划入学的总日历天数进行比较. This includes the first day of classes through the last scheduled day of exams, 包括周末和节假日, and excluding any scheduled breaks of at least five consecutive days.



Hardin-Simmons大学 is not required to take attendance, 因此当一个退学的学生, 不提供通知, from a school that is not required to take attendance, the school must determine the withdrawal date 不迟于30天 (1)缴费期或入学期(视情况而定)结束后, (2)学年, or (3) the student’s educational program. 34 CFR 668.22(j)(2)


  1. 官方取款 – student withdrawing from all courses should contact the 注册处 开始正式退出. This establishes an official withdrawal date.
  2. 非官方的撤军 -如果学生开始上课,没有正式退学,并且在整个期间至少有一门课程没有取得成绩, will be considered to have an unofficial withdrawal for Title IV purposes. HSU will establish the unofficial with draw date 不迟于30天 (1)缴费期或入学期(视情况而定)结束后, (2)学年, or (3) the student’s educational program. 34 CFR 668.22(j)(2)

标题四的计算是基于学生完成注册的时间.  For Title IV purposes, the last date of attendance is one of the following:

  • The date the formal withdrawal process begins in the 注册处
  • 学生以其他方式提供其退学意向的正式通知的日期(1).e.(信件、电子邮件、面谈). 在所有情况下, 学生应被转介到注册办公室完成正式的退学程序.
  • The last documented date of attendance in an academically related activity (i.e.(在课堂或实验室的出勤记录或在线课程的作业提交).

联邦法规规定,你必须上课并成功完成课程,才有资格获得经济援助. 学生必须积极追求并成功完成他们所注册的学期.  If a student withdraws from all classes or is reported as not attending, 经济援助可能需要重新计算,因为学生可能不再有资格获得最初授予的金额.

Return of Title IV Procedures for Term Completion of all F’s

根据联邦法规, 如果学生在付款期内至少有一门课程未能获得及格成绩, the institution must assume that the student has 非正式地撤回 unless there is documentation that the student completed the period.

  1. 不出席通知将由教师,注册主任或咨询中心发起.  财政援助将通过硬拷贝或电子邮件或通过学生参与办公室收到不出席通知.  This notification will go to the Director of Financial 援助.
  2. 学生将在长期课程结束时进行评估,以确定是否完成了该学期.  A student must complete at least one semester hour to have completed the term.  因缺勤而以F结尾的学期将需要进行R2T4计算.
  3. Should a non-attendance date not be determined (as indicated in #1 above), 50% (midpoint of the semester) will be used for the return calculation.  规定规定,学生获得的第四章援助的百分比等于学生完成的时间, 这段时间应该确定吗.  It is to be noted that the “60%” rule still applies. If the determined period is more than 60%, then the student is considered to have earned 100% of the Title IV aid but only if a non-attendance date can be determined and verified; otherwise, the financial aid office is required to use 50%.
  4. 财政援助主任将在第一次不出席通知时通知学生可能退还的资金,然后在中期进度报告生成后再次通知学生.
  5. 退款计算将不早于上课的最后一天,也不迟于最终成绩公布后的3个工作日.  所有支付给相关实体的款项将被退回,并保留在学生账户上.  Letters will be sent to students where funds were returned.  The return of funds may create a balance due on the student account.  在结清余额之前,未结清余额的学生将不允许收到成绩单或注册未来学期.



  1. The financial aid office determines if Title IV aid has been awarded. 如果是,则在COD中计算R2T4.
  2. If less than 60% of the enrollment period has yet to expire, 必须使用一个按比例的时间表来确定学生在提款时所获得的第四章资金的数额.
  3. 在入学期的60%点之后,学生已经获得了100%的第四章资金.
  4. The number of days attended divided by the number of days in the payment period.
  5. If less than 60% of the enrollment period has yet to expire, 必须使用一个按比例的时间表来确定学生在提款时所获得的第四章资金的数额.  在入学期的60%点之后,学生已经获得了100%的第四章资金.
  6. 正式返回第四章程序的计算由财政援助主任(或指定的代表)通过教育部批准的按比例退款软件启动.
  7. Director of Financial 援助 (or assigned delegate) completes refund worksheet in COD.
  8. 财政援助主任(或指定的代表)在学生账户上存放存款,以防止在已经支付的情况下发放任何信贷退款.  Notes are made regarding refund calculation amounts.
  9. Student is notified that he/she must complete Exit Counseling.  Exit Counseling is available on-line at http://studentaid.gov/exit-counseling/
  10. A notification is sent to the student notifying him/her of amount/s to be returned.


If a student has accepted Title IV aid by the date of the withdrawal, but the financial aid has not disbursed, the student may be eligible for a post-withdrawal disbursement. If the amount disbursed to the student is less than the amount the student earned, and for which the student is otherwise eligible, 他或她有资格获得未收到的已获得援助的取款后付款. 在这种情况下, 必须进行R2T4计算,以确定学生是否有资格获得提款后付款. HSU必须在学生退学后30个日历日内做出决定.

The following conditions apply when processing a post-withdrawal disbursement:

  1. A student must not fail to meet 令人满意的学业进展.
  2. A student must have accepted Title IV loans by the date of the withdrawal.
  3. If, before the student’s withdrawal date a loan offer has been accepted, the loan must also have been originated by HSU. 贷款 are not originated by HSU unless the student has accepted the loan.
  4. If the student is eligible for a post-withdrawal disbursement of a loan, 财政援助办公室必须在学生退学后的30个日历天内向学生发送退学后支付资格通知. 学生将有至少14个日历天的时间来回复提款后的付款通知.
  5. HSU将在确定学生退出之日起45个日历日内支付学生应支付的任何第四章助学金资金,作为退出后支付的一部分,并在退出之日起180个日历日内支付学生接受的任何贷款资金. 学校必须取得学生的书面许可,才可发放贷款.
  6. 学校不能向已故学生或未签署贷款本票的学生发放提款后的款项. The loans promissory note must be signed prior to the student accepting the loan. The student cannot accept the loan after they have withdrawn.
  7. 如果学生在验证, this must be completed within 120 calendar days from the date of withdrawal.


The University is required by federal statute to determine what portion, 如果有任何, 该学生的经济援助中的一部分将退还给该学生参加的经济援助计划.  Priority order for the return of federal funds is:

  • 联邦无补贴直接贷款
  • 联邦补贴直接贷款
  • 联邦直接附加贷款
  • 联邦佩尔助学金
  • Federal Supplemental educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG)
  • 任何其他联邦拨款计划

如果学生只完成了60%或更少的付款期或学期就离开了机构, the financial aid office recalculates eligibility for Title IV funds. 重新计算是基于获得的援助的百分比,使用以下联邦第四章资金返还公式:

  • Percentage of payment period or term completed=到提款日为止完成的天数除以付款周期或期限内的总天数. (Any break of five days or more is not counted as part of the days in the term.) This percentage is also the percentage of earned aid.
  • 根据以下公式,资金将根据非无偿援助的百分比返还给相应的联邦计划:
  • 归还援助 =(可以支付的援助的100%减去获得的援助的百分比)乘以在支付期间或期限内可以支付的援助总额.
  • 学生在本学期的60%点“赚取”了100%的第四章基金, 但是在这种情况下,财政援助办公室也需要进行计算.  如果不能确定最后一次出勤的日期,则根据R2T4 50%的规则,学生将因未出勤而获得全部“F”.

联邦法律和大学政策规定,当发生退学时,计算出的金额将返还给各自的项目. 因此,退出可能意味着部分或全部联邦、州或机构援助的损失.

  • 非资助机构奖(HSCH奖)将按入学前24天学费的相同金额按比例发放.
  • TEG将与西蒙斯交换补助金交换,并按比例支付前24天的学费.
  • 24天后, 由于学费保持在100%,学生可以获得100%的非资助机构奖励金额. 然而, 在办理退学手续后,学生不能因机构援助而获得学分退款.
  • 也, 当符合条件的联邦助学金在学期内到期,但在退学时尚未支付给学生账户时,可能会发生退款.  This allows for payment of classes in which no credit is received.  然而, 在退款期间,退出学生的剩余资助不得从机构奖励中产生学分余额.
  • Further, awarding professors may wish to redistribute 部门的奖学金 对于其他学生,在这种情况下,退学学生的奖励可能会被撤销. This action is not a prerogative of the financial aid office.



入学日 % BO学费退款 % FA Adjustment to Institutional (Unfunded) 援助
第一天 100% 拒绝援助
第一天之后 没有一个 没有一个


入学日 % BO学费退款 % FA Adjustment to Institutional (Unfunded) 援助
第一天 & 两个 100% 拒绝援助
第三天 90% 90%
第四天 & 五个 80% 80%
第六天 & 七个 70% 70%



% BO学费退款 % FA Adjustment to Institutional (Unfunded) 援助
第一天 & 两个 100% 拒绝援助
第三天-第八天 90% 90%
第9天-第16天 70% 70%
第17 - 24天 50% 50%


建议任何接受第四章经济援助的学生在试图退出大学时与经济援助官员交谈.  这是为了确保每个财政援助计划的正确金额被确定并尽快归还.

任何获得学生贷款的学生必须在退学时完成贷款退出咨询.  由于这一要求,澳门皇冠赌场平台将保留学生的成绩单和所有其他信息,直到退学咨询得到确认.  Loan exit counseling can be completed on the internet at http://studentaid.gov/exit-counseling/



HSU将代表欠第四章助学金的学生退还资金,并将退还的资金视为学生对学校的债务. HSU商务办公室将决定学校是否与学生签订还款协议.

取款 may also affect future financial aid eligibility. Students may select one of the following options to pay outstanding balance:

  • 支付全部余额
  • 安排付款